Wednesday 13 November 2013

Nachal! (And a sort-of packing list)

The results of the Manila have come through, and I got into Nachal!!! I got my first choice! Bring on the red boots and green kumta (beret)!

The Nachal tag - worn on the left shoulder of the Alef (dress) uniform

The draft date for my unit is 20th (6 days) when I have to report to the Bakum, or central drafting base. In 6 days I'll be switching my civilian clothes with army uniforms, and I'll be handing myself over to the IDF. That will be a proud moment for me; finally, finally, finally I am doing what I came here to do.

So for now I am getting the last minute things I might need for Wednesday. So what does one bring on the first day in the army? Everyone always tells you different things, and it's hard to know exactly. From the sounds of it, the army give you almost everything you need, so I'm bringing a few undershirts (white and green), underwear, army socks, toiletries, and miscellaneous items like plasters, rubber bands (for the bottom of the trousers), and blister plasters.

Because people tell you different things, and it's hard to tell right now what you might need to bring with you, I will write a definitive list of things you need after I've drafted.

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