Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Manila (preferences form)

Today I recieved and completed my Manila (preferences form). It came a little late to say the least, but better late than never. I thought I'd share details of the Manila here, because I have heard for a while about this mysterious and all-important form, but never actually knew much about it. 

Based on your profile and your kaba scores from the Tzav Rishon, the army send you a list of units you can apply for. Through Garin Tzabar however, you are given a set template, and almost everybody (boys eligible for combat) receive the exact same Manila. 

Here's the one I recieved, with my preferences filled out:

Each of the options need to be rated between 5 and 1, 5 being top and 1 being bottom (silly Israelis). The top box is asking how much you want to be a Lochem, or combat soldier (5). 

The next box asks you to individually rate each of your options, independently of the Infantry (Chir), which comes later. The options given to me were Border Police (1), Combat Engineers (2), Tanks (2), Artillery (1), Field Intelligence (1), Home Front Search and Rescue (1), Air Defence (1), Military Police in Judea and Samaria (1), and Chemical and Biological Warfare (1). 

The next box is specifically for Infantry, and I had to rate, according to my preference, each of the Brigades - Golani (2), Givati (3), Kfir (1), and Nachal (5).

The last box is a general ranking of your three top choices. Mine are Infantry (with Nachal as a clear top) as number 1, Combat Engineers as number 2, and Tanks and Armoured Corp as number 3. 

It is important to note that a) apart from the last box, you are not ranking them in relation to each other but rather as individual options and b) if you really want something, you need to think tactically about what you write. I can say now that my top choice is Nachal, and so I tactically did not put anything as 4, creating an obvious distinction between Nachal and any other place. However, I made sure that in the case of not getting Nachal, which is certainly a possibility, I have shown what I certainly do not want and also what I would be OK with. 

Usually, you receive the Manila long before I did, and so I have been slightly on edge, and will be until I get exact confirmation of where I am placed. All thoughout this period of waiting I was told ״יהיה בסדר״ (it will be OK) countless times. At the time, the phrase might make you want to strangle someone. However, as frustrating as the phrase is, it's true. 

I wrote here of the details of my Manila to clarify for others what the word means and its importance. So I might as well go on to explain a little about my exact aim. I put down Nachal because my aim is a unit within Nachal called Gadsar (Sayeret) Nachal. Nachal is an infantry brigade with the most inspiring and Zionist history. It was set up originally as a fighting brigade that would also establish agricultural settlements along the borders - working and defending the land. Now, it has become a regular infantry brigade like all the others. The Gadsar (Gdud Siyur, or Reconnaissance Battalion) is the forward unit of the brigade. All details can be found out with a quick Google search.

The draft date for Nachal is the 20th (15 days) and there is a 4-day Gibbush from the 25th to get into the Gadsar. The Gibbush consists of all sorts of running, sprinting, crawling, stretcher marches etc.

It is important to remember that you are never guaranteed anywhere, and I could possibly not recieve Nachal at all. However, I will admit that I am not accepting anything but. So now I await the results of the Manila and start buying all the things I need for my draft in a couple weeks time.

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